How To Use A Safety Razor To Get A Great Shave

best safety razor from merkurWith the increase in popularity of safety razors, there are many people, especially young men, who have been considering shaving with one of these razors.

However, some of the horror stories about irritation, ingrown hairs, and nicks and cuts when using one of these razors have them afraid to take the plunge and try this efficient method of shaving.

So, we thought that sharing a step by step guide on how to use a safety razor would help those who are slightly reluctant to see that shaving with a safety razor really isn’t that dangerous or uncomfortable, and that it can actually result in a close clean shave that can even improve their appearance.

It really is much simpler than most people think.

Step One: Purchasing The Right Equipment

Just like with anything else you do, the success of your endeavor is going to depend on whether or not you have the right equipment to do the job right.

So the first thing you are going to need to do is a bit of research and to find the best safety razor for you.

You are also going to want some good quality double edge blades and some shaving gel or foam, as well as some after shave lotion.

Step Two: Preparing Your Face To Shave

The best time to shave with a safety razor is either right after you finish showering or after holding a moist and warm towel on your face for a minute or two.

The hot moist towel softens your whiskers and makes them easier to shave off.

You then need to apply your shaving gel or foam to those whiskers.

This will further help soften the whiskers and make it easier for the razor to glide over your skin without irritation.

Step Three: Make Sure That Your razor Is Equipped With A Sharp Blade

When it comes to shaving with a safety razor, there is no such thing as too sharp a blade.

If you use your safety razor correctly, then the chances of nicking your skin are small and a sharp blade results in less skin irritation when shaving.

Always remember that you should not have to apply pressure when shaving, but rather simply pull the razor over your face.

The weight of the razor’s head will apply all the pressure you need.

Keep in mind that when your razor blade is dull, you may have to go over the same area two or three times to cut all the whiskers, which can result in irritating your skin.

Step Four: Make Sure That Your Razor Is Angled Correctly

To get the closest shave possible, your razor should move against your beard at about a 30 degree angle.

Even those razors with pivoting heads work best when angled correctly.

Moving your razor in the opposite direction from which the hair grows will result in a closer and smoother shave.

Step Five: Keep Your Skin Stretched

Unlike using an electric shaver where you simply run over your face again and again, you need to use your free hand to stretch the skin on your cheeks and neck while shaving with a safety razor.

This allows the razor to cut the hair in those cracks and crevices on the first pass, which also reduces the chances of irritation from repeated passes.

Step Six: Keep Your Blade Rinsed Off While Shaving

For the cleanest possible shave with less chance of ingrown hairs, it is best to rinse off your razor after each and every pass.

This clears off the shaving gel and lose hairs from the blades and helps you to keep a clearer view of any whiskers you may be missing.

After you have completed shaving, you may want to wipe off your face again with a warm moist towel to remove any loose hairs that remain (loose hairs can easily become ingrown hairs).

Then use a soothing after shave lotion to cool the skin and keep irritation at bay.

While it may take a little practice to become really proficient at using a safety razor, you just may be surprised at how easily you pick up this style of shaving, and just how smooth and clean your results will be.